Employee Monday with Pietro Carlucci
1. Which function do you have in the Kräuterhaus?
I am one of the production managers for nutritional supplements and animal feed.
2. What is the best thing about your work?
It's actually the problems that crop up. Such as when a machine does not work properly. Or if a process does not run smoothly. It really gives me great pleasure to search for and implement solutions with people here. I am allowed to instruct, supervise and train the employees on the machines. I find it all really great.
3. What are the challenges?
I have been here in the company since autumn 2003, but have only been production manager for one year. It is an extremely exciting challenge to take on this new task. Last year we had such a big growth with many new machines and employees. There is a lot to do and I should look at it from a completely new perspective. It has never been and never will be boring.
4. Do you have a favourite Kräuterhaus product?
You would think it should be capsules or tablets, wouldn’t you? But it is actually the organic cranberries. They are so tasty! You can't snack on the capsules we produce in my department at home. ;)
5. Today you can make a wish! Which department would you like to try out as an apprentice?
I would very much like to try out the international department. There is a team that is solely responsible for exports to Italy. I would like to be an apprentice there. Of course, I would look after the Italian customers in Italian �" that would be a small piece of home, so to speak.